GAEA Multifamily ECAD Audits – Let Us Help You Keep You ECAD Compliant
Multifamily Property ECAD
Austin Energy’s original Multifamily ECAD Energy Audits and some age exemptions are expiring in 2020 and 2021. Multifamily properties are required to have an energy audit performed by a Certified Building Analyst every 10 years and must provided a copy of results to Austin Energy.
If your multifamily property meets all four of the requirements below, then it is subject to the ECAD Ordinance.
- The property has five or more units
- The property has turned 10 years old
- The property gets its energy from Austin Energy
- The property receives electricity from Austin Energy
Our Energy Auditors are professionally trained in ECAD compliance and can help you with any questions you may have.
Income qualified commercial customers can offset the cost of their ECAD audit with reimbursement of up to $2500.
Implementing ECAD Audit Recommendations
Unless your property is a High Energy Use property, you are NOT REQUIRED to make energy efficiency improvement recommendations in your ECAD audit. However, if you do make energy improvements based on your audit results, Austin Energy provides rebates and other incentives for qualifying participants.
Benefits of making recommended repairs and upgrades listed in your audit
- Identifies major energy consumption issues caused by to old outdated equipment
- Lowers bills and increases comfort making your property more attractive to prospective tenants
- Offset cost of upgrades with rebates and incentives from Austin Energy
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